5 Ways to Get 10,000 Facebook Fans

After taking the last two weeks to get the social media presence of Big Bus Victoria up and running in my new position as Marketing/Social Media/Sales Coordinator, I decided to return to doing what I love most: writing. And I wanted to kick off my return by talking about a recent webinar that I attended, given by Brian Moran from Get 10,000 Fans.

The subject of the webinar was simple: How to get 10,000 fans on your Facebook Fan page. Brian presented 5 different ways to get more fans and I decided to share them with you as I’ve started to use them more and more while building Big Bus Victoria’s Facebook Fan Page.

Top 5 Ways to Get More Facebook Fans

1. @ Tagging (When you @tag another page, make sure it’s a page you’re following. It’s posted to the other page’s wall as a status update as well as your own. Make sure to @tag as your Fan page as your comments get shown on other fan pages and add value to your page)

2. Edge Rank (Known as SEO for Facebook. All the Top News on the News Feed is the most popular content (video/photos etc. with the most likes & comments. So post content for your fans to interact with so your status updates stay on top for awhile. If your fans like/comment, it shows on their wallàtheir friends see)

  3.  Questions (Ask people questions and give them options (eg. Poll). When they answer, it will be shown on their walls and home feeds as well as their friends’ news feeds. You can also ask questions to gauge if customers want new service/product and make them more interactive, like asking fans to post photos of their own fan counts etc.)

4. Custom Tabs (Decide which one will be the landing page for traffic (ie. Squeeze page) to drive traffic to the rest of the Fan Page and have a call to action (e-mail) or lead capture (have them enter e-mail. You can build pages using HTML iFrames.)

5. Facebook Ads (Biggest secret: micro-targetting. Target ads with keywords (ie. Baseball trainers & coaches, not just fans and change the ad to target people who aren’t fans)

 As I started using more of the tips and tricks that Brian suggested, I find myself learning, not only how to use Facebook better, but also skills I only had basic knowledge of such as HTML coding and designing pages.

If you haven’t started your Facebook Fan page or you’re like me and wanting some extra knowledge, attend a social media webinar. You’ll never know what new development or skill you’ll learn next!
