The PR Power Play Workshop

Join me on XXXX, 2023 for this exclusive workshop dedicated to the launch of The Powerful Publicity Prescription book campaign.  Discover how to make the power of public relations turn you into a sought after industry leader, international best seller and go-to expert with a global reach and influential media platforms. Inside this immersive workshop, you’ll learn:
  1.  How to craft a story that will generate global buzz for your brand
  2. Unleash the full potential of your brand with killer marketing and PR ideas to keep you and your projects top of mind, with the media, and your target audiences
  3.  Develop a strong marketing and PR mindset to elevate your strategy to the next level, making you a recognizable industry force
To enhance your learning experience, download the free PR Powerplay workbook here to follow along with the workshop.

As a special bonus, every attendee of the live workshop will receive a complimentary copy of  The Powerful Publicity Prescription  book and the companion PR glossary!

This is the only time I’ll be holding this workshop live so it’s your ONE opportunity to ask me all of your burning questions, receive personalized 1:1 support.

Don’t miss out on this transformative opportunity! Reserve your seat now by signing up here. Let’s embark on this journey together and unlock the true power of public relations.