
Top 3 Elements You Need to Start Building a Social Media Strategy

Over the last few months, I’ve been sharing tips, tactics into the worlds of copywriting and publicity. I’ve gone in-depth into unit publicity and how it can benefit filmmakers to sharing insight into why welcome emails should be part of your copywriting and marketing strategy. Today, to announce the launch of the third segment on […]

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Affordable Image Marketing Tools to Help Non-Profits Create Stunning Visuals

When you’re working on promoting your next fundraising event or a thank you initiative to long-time donors, you want to add a visual punch in your campaigns, to make it more exciting. It’s been proven time and time again that people are more likely to engage with posts that contain photos and/or videos because the

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Top 10 Apps for Social Media Productivity and Organization

In working with clients across several industries such as tourism and hospitality and film and television, I’ve noticed a major trend. With their priorities ranging from business development to film production and screenwriting, marketing is often an afterthought. They understand the importance of posting on social media, writing a blog post and marketing campaigns through

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