
#Friday5 with Tequoia Urbina

In this installment of #Friday5, I’m happy to have the chance to chat with screenwriter & filmmaker, Tequoia Urbina. A graduate of Georgia State University and Northeastern University, Tequoia has over 25 years of experience in TV and film and is dedicated to creating thought provoking and entertaining content. Her latest works are The Sojourner, a […]

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#Friday5 With Nataizya Mukwavi

This week, I’m absolutely excited and honored to be able to chat with Black Women Connect Vancouver’s founder, Nataizya Mukwavi. In 2017, Nataizya started Black Girl Magic which is now called Black Women Connect Vancouver as something she and friends could enjoy together. It was due to the success of this party she saw and

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#Friday5 with Brittany Geertgens

In this installment of #Friday5, we’re thrilled to chat with Brittany Geertgens. An entrepreneur, radio personality, entertainment host and creator, 25 year old Brittany has entrepreneurship in her blood. Raised by entrepreneurial parents, Brittany has always been encouraged to pursue her dreams and dream big. Brittany co-founded her first business, BlastHouse (a music and events

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Media Kits for Non-Profits

A strategically executed PR campaign can help non-profits achieve national and international attention for their causes. It can also help attract well known personalities to become fundraising champions, exceed fundraising goals, increase event attendance and create more volunteer opportunities. Working in conjunction with a social media content strategy, PR has the ability to help a

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Top 10 Apps for Social Media Productivity and Organization

In working with clients across several industries such as tourism and hospitality and film and television, I’ve noticed a major trend. With their priorities ranging from business development to film production and screenwriting, marketing is often an afterthought. They understand the importance of posting on social media, writing a blog post and marketing campaigns through

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Freelance Writing: Social Media Monitoring Made Easy for Jeweller Magazine

Hello All, My latest freelance contribution to Jeweller Magazine across the pond in Melbourne, Australia focuses on the best social media monitoring tools out on the market for jewellers to use that are A) free, B) easy to use and C) provide metrics for all kinds of social media platforms. Check it out here or

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How to Create Awesome Infographics Without Being a Designer

If you’re anything like me, you learned how to use programs like Photoshop and Gimp out of necessity to do minor changes to photos. You might have even dabbled in some easier graphic design projects for your own website, but it takes you hours to get the image or the design looking just right and

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34 Awesome Hacks & Tricks to Create Great Content Part 1

Content. It’s the cornerstone of any successful inbound marketing campaign. Creating your own high-quality unique content is the best way of enticing new fans and potential customers to embrace your business and having them understand precisely what makes you different from everyone else out there. You can share all the great industry-associated fun articles, videos

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16 Companies in “Boring” Industries Delivering Awesome Content

Whether you realize it or not, there’s definitely industry sectors out there that are easier to create great marketing content for. You probably don’t have to wrack your brain to write a great brochure about promoting a resort in the Bahamas or develop an online contest to market your restaurant’s grand opening or sell your

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Be Your Own Storyteller: A Guide to Successful Inbound PR

In PR, conventional wisdom dictates that you do one of two things to get press in different areas for your clients, company or event: 1) draft a media kit, stocked with company/event backgrounders, info on the key people involved, PR releases and maybe photos and send them to a journalist covering that area OR 2)

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