social media marketing strategy

Top 3 Elements You Need to Start Building a Social Media Strategy

Over the last few months, I’ve been sharing tips, tactics into the worlds of copywriting and publicity. I’ve gone in-depth into unit publicity and how it can benefit filmmakers to sharing insight into why welcome emails should be part of your copywriting and marketing strategy. Today, to announce the launch of the third segment on […]

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Influencer Identification Tools for Non-Profits

In my previous post, I covered what influencer marketing is, how to develop an influencer marketing strategy and how to find the right influencers using the free methods already at your disposal. However, the free methods do take more time to research and organize, which is why this post will help non-profits find the affordable

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How Infographics (And Their Tools) Can Supercharge Non-Profits

As you might remember, I’ve previously covered a list of easy to use, inexpensive/free online tools that non-profits can use to create amazing visuals. This time, however, I thought I’d take a step further and focus on how non-profits can generate infographics to grab the attention of their audiences. Infographics take visuals one step further

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