In this installment of #Friday5, we’re thrilled to chat with Brittany Geertgens. An entrepreneur, radio personality, entertainment host and creator, 25 year old Brittany has entrepreneurship in her blood. Raised by entrepreneurial parents, Brittany has always been encouraged to pursue her dreams and dream big.
Brittany co-founded her first business, BlastHouse (a music and events venue) with her sister Nicole when she was just 15 years old. Today, BlastHouse has two locations in Atlanta and is continuing to grow. An experienced radio personality and entertainment host, Brittany also hosts the weekly radio show, red carpet events and interviews for her family’s radio show, Family Empire. Co-founder of UMusicians, an online music publication site, Brittany also devotes her time to mentor young teens and adults on starting their own entrepreneurial journeys.
What is your greatest accomplishment to date?
My greatest accomplishment to date is when my sister and I got our first building for our business. We started our business in our parents’ home. So, when our business grew large enough to get our own building, that was such a huge milestone for us!
If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?
If I could have dinner with anyone it would be, Michelle Obama. I have so many questions I would ask her and ideas I’d like to share!
A place you’ve never been, but is on your bucket list?
Greece! Can’t wait to visit.
Who was the greatest influence/inspiration in your career?
My parents. They taught me everything I know about being an entrepreneur and how to be successful, build a brand and just be an overall good person. I watched and learned so much from their journey.
What’s your greatest joy?
My greatest joy is being able to make others happy and put a smile on someone’s face. Also when I see my food coming out at Chick-fil-A. Lol
Greatest “A HA “ moment?
Greatest “A HA” moment was when my sister and I were going through a rebranding process for our business and we were constantly being told we wouldn’t make it. A few years later and we have two locations we continue to grow every day.
Greatest pet peeve in business?
Probably people with appointments who no show and don’t call.
At this stage in your career, what would you consider to be a dream project/opportunity?
Dream project would be to grow my teen mentor program with Michelle Obama!
What piece of advice would you give young people just starting out in their career?
Have a plan, surround yourself with likeminded people. Get a mentor. Stay encouraged. You’ll get a lot of “no’s” or people who don’t understand your vision when you first start out. But don’t let that get to you. Stay the course and stay focused. You’ll see the fruit of your labors soon.