Media Relations

#Friday5 with Ashley Amber

On this edition of #Friday5, I’m super excited to present my interview with author Ashley Amber! Ashley is the process of releasing her novella, The Flip Side of Sad, on March 30th, 2021. Newest singing sensation, James Letta, is promoting his new album, The Flip Side of Sad and he’s having what he believes to […]

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#Friday5 With Karima Zidani

On this edition of #Friday5, I had the opportunity to sit down with Karima Zidani, host of the Casually Normies Podcast. Karima lives by the ‘share to inspire’ mantra, as a podcaster, spoken word writer and storyteller, driven to be there for the youth of today & provide them with the right insight, guidance and

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#Friday5 with Brittany Geertgens

In this installment of #Friday5, we’re thrilled to chat with Brittany Geertgens. An entrepreneur, radio personality, entertainment host and creator, 25 year old Brittany has entrepreneurship in her blood. Raised by entrepreneurial parents, Brittany has always been encouraged to pursue her dreams and dream big. Brittany co-founded her first business, BlastHouse (a music and events

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#Friday5 with Mike Davenport

In this installment of #Friday5, I’m really happy to be chatting with Mike Davenport, Founder and Creative Director of the video game pitch project, The Marvel Universe Online. An avid comic book fan, Mike’s a father of 4 with a day job working as an IT Specialist for the Department of Defense. Growing up in

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Building a Crisis Communications Response

If you’ve been following me on Instagram at @LSue30, you might have come across Publicity Talks-my PR series filled with interviews, audio clips, tips and graphics on everything related to public relations. In parts 1 & 2 of my Publicity 101 interview, I talk about the differences between advertising & public relations and how to

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Media Kits for Non-Profits

A strategically executed PR campaign can help non-profits achieve national and international attention for their causes. It can also help attract well known personalities to become fundraising champions, exceed fundraising goals, increase event attendance and create more volunteer opportunities. Working in conjunction with a social media content strategy, PR has the ability to help a

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CASE STUDY: Unit Publicity and Media Relations Campaign for Short Horror Film Heartless

THE CHALLENGE  As a unit publicist with experience running public relations campaigns for short films, an actor at a film festival and a horror film moving through a competition, this film presented challenges I hadn’t previously dealt with in my other projects. For my other short films, I’d had the benefit of support through the

CASE STUDY: Unit Publicity and Media Relations Campaign for Short Horror Film Heartless Read More »