
In Conversation with Thomas Green of the Ethical Marketing Podcast

In this interview, I sit down with Thomas Green of the Ethical Marketing Podcast to chat about why my brand is built on the proverb, ‘Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day but teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime,’ how education and empowerment are cornerstones of my […]

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In Conversation with Jen Buck for the HerStory Collaborative Podcast

In this exclusive HerStory Collaborative Podcast interview, I sit down with Jen Buck to chat about how I focus on education and empowerment in my PR product suite. Through my coaching intensives, coaching program, in-depth hybrid PR course, and campaign services, I help creatives break down mindset blocks and gain the confidence to use the

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Top 3 Elements You Need to Start Building a Social Media Strategy

Over the last few months, I’ve been sharing tips, tactics into the worlds of copywriting and publicity. I’ve gone in-depth into unit publicity and how it can benefit filmmakers to sharing insight into why welcome emails should be part of your copywriting and marketing strategy. Today, to announce the launch of the third segment on

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Building a Crisis Communications Response

If you’ve been following me on Instagram at @LSue30, you might have come across Publicity Talks-my PR series filled with interviews, audio clips, tips and graphics on everything related to public relations. In parts 1 & 2 of my Publicity 101 interview, I talk about the differences between advertising & public relations and how to

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The Distinctions Between Advertising and Public Relations

If you’re following me on Instagram (it’s @LSue30, by the way), you might notice that I’ve recently launched a section known as Publicity Talks. Publicity Talks is where I’ll be sharing videos, audio clips/interviews, quotes, blog posts & tips about everything related to public and media relations, including campaigns. If you’ve seen the first segment

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