B2B Marketing

In Conversation with Thomas Green of the Ethical Marketing Podcast

In this interview, I sit down with Thomas Green of the Ethical Marketing Podcast to chat about why my brand is built on the proverb, ‘Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day but teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime,’ how education and empowerment are cornerstones of my […]

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In Conversation with Jen Buck for the HerStory Collaborative Podcast

In this exclusive HerStory Collaborative Podcast interview, I sit down with Jen Buck to chat about how I focus on education and empowerment in my PR product suite. Through my coaching intensives, coaching program, in-depth hybrid PR course, and campaign services, I help creatives break down mindset blocks and gain the confidence to use the

In Conversation with Jen Buck for the HerStory Collaborative Podcast Read More »

The Top 5 Reasons Why Welcome Emails & Email Funnels Are Important

If you’ve been following me on Instagram at @lsue30, you might have seen my Story video on the importance of welcome emails. If not, this post will summarize the top 5 reasons why welcome emails & the longer email funnels in your e-newsletters are vital to engaging with your audience, raising brand awareness and increasing

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Building a Crisis Communications Response

If you’ve been following me on Instagram at @LSue30, you might have come across Publicity Talks-my PR series filled with interviews, audio clips, tips and graphics on everything related to public relations. In parts 1 & 2 of my Publicity 101 interview, I talk about the differences between advertising & public relations and how to

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The Distinctions Between Advertising and Public Relations

If you’re following me on Instagram (it’s @LSue30, by the way), you might notice that I’ve recently launched a section known as Publicity Talks. Publicity Talks is where I’ll be sharing videos, audio clips/interviews, quotes, blog posts & tips about everything related to public and media relations, including campaigns. If you’ve seen the first segment

The Distinctions Between Advertising and Public Relations Read More »