
Media Kits for Non-Profits

A strategically executed PR campaign can help non-profits achieve national and international attention for their causes. It can also help attract well known personalities to become fundraising champions, exceed fundraising goals, increase event attendance and create more volunteer opportunities. Working in conjunction with a social media content strategy, PR has the ability to help a

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Case Study: Managing Unit Publicity and PR Campaign for the 2017 Crazy8s Film Event

THE CHALLENGE As unit publicist for the Crazy8s Film Event, developing the PR campaign for the film event as well as managing the publicity for all 6 winning teams during production, on set and during post production meant that I had educate the media that this was a film event, not a film festival. Being

Case Study: Managing Unit Publicity and PR Campaign for the 2017 Crazy8s Film Event Read More »

Be Your Own Storyteller: A Guide to Successful Inbound PR

In PR, conventional wisdom dictates that you do one of two things to get press in different areas for your clients, company or event: 1) draft a media kit, stocked with company/event backgrounders, info on the key people involved, PR releases and maybe photos and send them to a journalist covering that area OR 2)

Be Your Own Storyteller: A Guide to Successful Inbound PR Read More »

February 2012 Issue of the Village Vibe Is Out: Good Deeds and Good Health Go Hand in Hand @ Fernwood Yoga Den

The February issue of the Village Vibe is now out and in this issue, I interviewed Lola Storry and Rachel Sadava on their new yoga studio, Fernwood Yoga Den. I’m not a yoga practitioner by all means, but Lola and Rachel’s enthusiasm won me over and their approach to yoga is different from anything I’ve

February 2012 Issue of the Village Vibe Is Out: Good Deeds and Good Health Go Hand in Hand @ Fernwood Yoga Den Read More »